Green Mining
We offer the use of green technologies in the extraction of minerals. Our extraction technology is distinguished by: 1. Low Cost (LCO) of the Mining Operations, 2. High Productivity and 3. Minimal Damage to the Environment.
Minimal damage to the environment is achieved by completely eliminating the use of petroleum fuels for the operation of machines, mechanisms and local production of electricity. Using our generation technologies, we can illuminate the site 24 hours a day with the required efficiency, charge batteries for equipment running on electric motors or supply electricity directly to a site mechanized by electric motors, supply hydraulic fluids under pressure both locally and centrally. All waste soil must be mixed back with the implementation of cultivation work and planting of green spaces.
The possibility of carrying out reclamation work is determined by their low cost due to the use of electric moving mechanisms and their own electricity with virtually zero cost.
The use of Excavators, Bulldozers and Heavy-Duty Trucks on electric motors leads to the maximum economic effect. The peculiarity of electric motors is their durability and the virtual absence of the need for repair. Such features allow the use of equipment 24 hours a day, which leads to a significant increase in productivity.
Having a source of electricity with virtually zero cost increases the economic feasibility of mineral extraction several times. The technology of using equipment on electricity allows to use the drone mode and exclude the presence of a person, optimize work and significantly reduce costs.
At your request, we are ready to develop and supply technology, equipment and energy supply for Green Mining of your mineral resource.
Coal Basics
Botswana holds 106 million tons (MMst) of proven coal reserves as of 2016, ranking 59th in the world and accounting for about 0% of the world's total coal reserves of 1,139,471 million tons (MMst). Botswana has proven reserves equivalent to 78.4 times its annual consumption. The country's coal deposits were previously estimated at 212 billion tons (mostly hypothetical and speculative). The coal occurs in various coalfields include Pandamatenga, Eastern (Dukwi, Foley and Sese), Tuli, Morupule and Moijabana, Mmamabula, South Eastern (Dutlwe and Letlhakeng). Coal deposits remain largely unexploited, currently there are only two coal mines.The two mines are Morupule Coal Mine in eastern Botswana which produces about 1.5 million tonnes per year and Masama coal project in south-western Botswana. The Masama Coal Project has a coal resource of about 380 million tonnes (Mt) and it is currently under developed by Minergy Coal. There are other mining licenses issued to Jindal in the Mmamabula coalfield and African Energy around Sese/Foley coalfield but there are not yet developed.
Indonesia holds 24,910 million tons (MMst) of proven coal reserves as of 2016, ranking 11th in the world and accounting for about 2% of the world's total coal reserves of 1,139,471 million tons (MMst). Indonesia has substantial coal resources released according to the annual report of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as published in 2012. This report indicates a total resource base of nearly 120 billion tonnes, with measured resources totalling 24.1 billion, indicated 27.0, inferred 35.6 and hypothetic 33.5. Within these tonnages, total coal reserves are put at 28 017 million tonnes. Mineral Resources stated in a presentation to a APEC Clean Fossil Energy Technical and Policy Seminar that 49% of the country's coal resources were classified as being low quality (less then 5100 kcal/kg), 26% as being of medium quality ((5100-6100 kcal/kg) and 24% as high quality (6100-7100 kcal/kg). Coal in Indonesia is mainly mined in 7 economic coal basins located in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
COAL - is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity. It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning).
VOLATILE (VM) of coal are vapor and gaseous products that are released from fossil rock when it is heated without air access.
ASH formed after burning coal is nothing more than impurities of minerals that may be contained in the rock. The Melting Point of Ash (AFT) is of great importance. During layered or pulverized coal combustion, fusible ash leads to slagging of furnaces and heating surfaces of boilers.
TOTAL MOISTURE - all moisture (water) in and on a coal sample that can be removed through heating in an oven at 107°C. Inherent Moisture - moisture (water) that occurs in the microscopic structure of the coal.
HARDGROVE GRINDABILITY INDEX (HGI) is a measure for the grindability of coal.
Sulfur Content - mean the elemental composition of sulfur in coal by weight.
MICROELEMENTS are present in coal in its organic matter, mineral impurities, and biochemical material.
Coal Purification
The NIMEC company presents to your attention a project for the construction and placement of facilities for the enrichment of low-quality coal. The goal of this project for Coal Transformation Facilities (CTF) installation and run CTF as efficient organization to implement these CTF activities and to do it in a way that the organization is financially profitable and therefore sustainable.
Innovations in energy technology can generate significant, quantifiable public benefits that are not reflected in the market price of energy. These benefits include cleaner air and improved public health, enhanced national security and international diplomacy, reduced risk of dangerous climate change, and protection from energy price shocks and related economic disruptions. Currently, these benefits are neither recognized nor rewarded by the free market.We also need to proceed from the fact that humanity cannot completely abandon the use of coal. Coal is constantly needed for metallurgy, chemical and medical industries. These industries cannot abandon coal as one of the main components of their products.
The main focus of the proposed CTF is the high-quality COAL GRANULES with size of 10 to 15 mm.The coal granules shall content of: Fix Carbon, C - min 90%, Sulfur, S - max 1%, Total Moisture (TM) - max 5%, Ash - max 4%, Volatilities (VM) - max 2%.
The bulk of hydrocarbons obtained as a result of low-temperature pyrolysis will turn into liquid form after cooling. This liquid will contain an infinitesimal amount of inorganic compounds including sulfur, which is defined as high-quality Marine Fuel Oil.
As a result of drying coal at a temperature of 200°С, a mixture of water in the vapor state and hydrocarbon gases will be obtained. This mixture with a small amount of original coal is fed to a gasification line which produces Syngas.
The resulting syngas (mixture of Monoxide of Carbon and Hydrogen gases) is going to Sabatier reaction - Methane gas production. The methane gas is cooling and going to the consumers in form of LNG.
Coal To Gas Transformation
NIMEC has developed a technology for transforming Coal into gas. According to the customer's wishes, coal can be transformed into Methane gas or Hydrogen gas.
Additional products of the process include: pure Calcium Carbonate, Dry Ice and filler for 3D printing of houses.
The conversion process involves grinding coal and limestone into powder. The powders are then mixed with water to form a paste. The paste is fed into an airless furnace (heating occurs in a carbon dioxide environment to avoid oxidation) and heated to 1,100 degrees Celsius. Two products come out of the furnace - a solid residue and a gas mixture. The gas mixture is fed to a turbine unit for cooling and electricity production. The water that falls out during the cooling of the gas mixture is fed back to the paste production process.
The cooled gas mixture is separated into its components if necessary. The hydrogen obtained during separation can be shipped to the consumer in compressed or liquefied form.
The solid component is cooled in heat exchangers. The steam obtained during cooling is used to generate electricity. The cooled solid component is filled with water. The lime is slaked and the heat is also used to generate electricity. The calcium hydroxide solution is separated from the sediment and the residue is evaporated. The sediment is collected, packaged and shipped to consumers for use in the 3D printing of houses.
The solid component is cooled in heat exchangers. The steam obtained during cooling is used to generate electricity. The cooled solid component is filled with water. The lime is slaked and the heat is also used to generate electricity. The calcium hydroxide solution is separated from the sediment and the residue is evaporated. The sediment is collected, packaged and shipped to consumers for use in the 3D printing of houses.
Calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon monoxide at 400 degrees Celsius. The result of this reaction is pure calcium carbonate and hydrogen gas. The resulting hydrogen can be shipped to the consumer or used further to produce methane gas. If methane gas needs to be produced, the reaction of hydrogen and monoxide or carbon dioxide in the presence of a catalyst (Sabatier reaction) is used. Excess carbon dioxide is converted into dry ice.