
Net Zero

Small Acts, Big Impact

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Transition to New Green Technologies

Today's trends indicate that power generation should not be associated with the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Net Zero is becoming the standard of today.

NIMEC offers an innovative solution for the conversion of existing Power Plants running on Coal, Gas or other Fuels that heat water using a chemical combustion reaction. When switching to our technology, there is no need to completely change the technology of electricity production, we do not change the boiler, turbine and generator, we only introduce additions.

For high-quality and environmentally friendly heating of water to the required temperature, we use infrared heating. Industrial infrared heaters are located inside the combustion chamber of the boiler, and the required power is selected based on the required heating time and required heating area.

Electric infrared heaters will be powered by our Gravity to Power or Air to Power installations

  • complete absence of exhaust gases and environmental pollution - Net Zero
  • improving the efficiency and reliability of power plant operation
  • significant reduction in the cost of produced electricity
  • no need to use infrastructure (port's terminals, rail ways and roads) for fuel delivery
  • significant reduction in the area required for electricity generation
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