


Magnet to Power

Magnet Wheel Power Generators

Low-power electric power generating stations using the energy of permanent magnets. The energy of the permanent magnets is transformed into mechanical energy of rotation of the generator rotor ...

Pressure to Power

Hydraulic Power Generators

Medium-power electric power generating stations using permanent magnet energy. The energy of permanent magnets is transformed into hydraulic fluid pressure energy ...

Air to Power

Air-Hydraulic Power Generators

Medium and high power electric generating stations using compressed air energy. The pressure energy of compressed air is transformed into the pressure energy of hydraulic fluid ...

Gravity to Power

Gravity Power Stations

High-power electric power plants that use the energy of momentum and gravity when a heavy liquid falls under pressure onto the buckets of a Peton turbine. The energy of circulation is provided by compressed air ...

Net Zero

Power Plant Modernization

Reconstruction of existing coal-fired power plants without dismantling equipment, buildings and structures. Transfer of plants to coal-free power generation technology using infrared heating ...

Smart Fuel

Petroleum Products

Organization of supplies of diesel and marine fuel. Supply of equipment for oil refining and power supply of oil refineries. Consultations and search for new solutions ...

Green Carbon

Smart Coal

Organization of high-quality beehive supplies. Supply of coal enrichment equipment and power supply for mines, opencasts and enrichment plants. Consultations and search for new solutions ...